澳大利亚桉树 white ash
(图片来源网络,侵删)澳大利亚重挽马 pinzgau
澳大利亚动物区 Australian faunal region
澳大利亚缎木 satinay
(图片来源网络,侵删)澳大利亚纪念日 Australia Day
澳大利亚人 Australian
澳大利亚山脉 Australian Alps
他把家迁到澳大利亚。He transplanted his family to Australia.
他大约在五年前移居澳大利亚。He went out to Australia about five years ago.
过去,英国犯人被流放到澳大利亚。In the past, English criminals were transported to Australia.
澳大利亚队掷币获胜,要求英格兰队首先击球。Australia won the toss and put England in to bat.
她已经下了决心不这么做,因为她移民到澳大利亚了。She was so determined not to do this, that she moved to Australia.
标签: australia